An internationally renowned master teacher, Franklin has developed a science-based method of conditioning that is taught and practiced in companies and schools around the world. In this new edition of Conditioning for Dance, he integrates the latest scientific research on strength, flexibility, and conditioning into his dance exercises.
New to This Edition
Since the first edition, the topic of dancers’ health, wellness, and conditioning has taken on even greater importance in the dance community. Franklin has responded to this increased emphasis by adding these new exercises and resources:
- Over 100 new conditioning exercises—for all parts of the body—to support dancers in a wide range of genres, forms, and styles
- Over 100 new illustrations and photos to explain and show the exercises
- Two new chapters with exercises for a complete conditioning plan
- A new web resource that offers
- 17 video clips featuring Franklin showing correct execution of the conditioning exercises from the book,
- two 20-minute portable whole-body workouts that use elastic bands to increase strength and aerobic conditioning for dance, and
- a personal conditioning program you can use to set goals chapter by chapter and monitor your conditioning development to support your performance.